helo.. i'm so damn happie.. =D it's my birthday..
thanks so very the much for buying me gift.. wishing me. and many more.. i really really appreciate it alot.. my very last birthday that i will celebrate with my darlings friends.. i will remember the good things u did to me.. thank u.. thank u.. thats all i can say.. thank u..
u guys are very kind to me.. u guys always make me smile.. thank u.. my families and friends thank u..
so here are the pictures of my precious gifts from my precious darlings..

this lovely dress is a gift from, my one and only ashari..
i really do love it.. thank u..

this charles and keith beg is from my darling bestfriends,
siti Nur Nadhirah(she is not in this photo)|Nur afiqa idayu|rizuana|Ryhana..
i really love it.. and also my favourite brand.. thank u..

this charles and keith shoe is from my darling friends,
Hamizah & nabilah..
i really love it.. thank u..

this perllini beg and this charles and keith shoe is from my precious mother..

thank u very very much.. i really do love it..

and finally this cute bourjois lip gloss from my cute kak suhayla..
thank u..i really love it..
and thats all.. i really really love it.. thank u.. thank u.. thank u..
and last..
Selamat Hari Raya.. to all the muslim out there and to my lovely classmates, 4t1 and my families..
mintak ampun kalau saya ade buat salah silap terhadapmu yg sedang bace.. harap-harap anda maafkan segala perbuatan kesalahanku..
dan untuk sahabatku, rizuana|nadhirah|afiqa|hamizah|ryhana|masturah sani|farah|masturah omar:aku tau aku ade buat banyak salah terhadap kamu semua.. tercakap kasar, mengumpat, kecil kan hati kamu, perasan marah terhadap kamu, salah anggap(tak tau spell) terhadap mu and banyak-banyak lagi..harap harap kamu maafkan lah aku.. buang lah perasan dengki, geram dan marah terhadapku.. maafkan lah aku.. ini tahun terakhir kita akan bersama.. aku tidak berniat untuk berbuat salah terhadap mu.. aku mintak maaf.. terima lah aku nye apology.. dan halal kan segala makan minum ye syg.. =D i will always love u guys and remember the happy moments together.. =]