FRIDAY, we did wear it.. hehe.. i like scared to go in the school, i like keep saying 'ya allah', arie said the colour is ok.. morning assembly was at the parade square, and i have no way to sit except to sit infront, my heart beat was beating very fast.. i quickly sat down and afiqa is behind me and laugh.. hahaha... of course we must stand up to said the pledge, the girls all covered their shoe with their bag.. haha.. nak buat bende kecil yg jahat pun takot.. pengecot jugak kite org nie.. hehe.. well, i do not knoe if we are wearing it again.. the first three period is mr gabriel period.. we hide our leg under our chair.. and it is painful.. during his period, we talked about comic book.. mr gabriel asked taufik to drew on the whiteboard, after taufik drew his pics, mr gabriel drew next.. and it is really damn beautiful.. and some of our classmates took picture of it.. and bla.. bla.. gabriel didn't realised it until sufian left his sit and mr gabriel saw nadhirah shoe.. bcause nadhirah was sitting behind him..i can't heard really well what he said, oh well.. and mr jake tan teach us science, he is ok lah.. but i did not understand what he saying, the most of the time...

made by rizuana.. love it

made by nadhirah.. love it too..
so this is mr grabriel drawing.. cute right??
grab this photo from nadhirah.. thx irah..