WE NAME IT "POCOYO" because my siblings love this cute cartoon character name Pocoyo..
so we called our hamster pocoyo..

we really loves it.. every morning when i walks beside pocoyo cage, she will stand up to see who it is.. and she will stand up infront of the door because she wants to be out.. cute right..
everybody in my house love it..
everyone can hold pocoyo..
except for my mother.. she disgust by it.. but she love pocoyo too..
my father brought for syazwina.. because she begged for it everyday.. so my father brought for her.. =] for us too, of course.. thank u abah..
so here the picture..

pocoyo wants to eat..

do not know what she is doing..

on my hand..

this is her home..

sorie.. this pic is dark.. this is the only pic show her face..
i can't put flash because she wanted to sleep..
so thats all about pocoyo.
WE NAME IT "POCOYO" because my siblings love this cute cartoon character name Pocoyo..
so we called our hamster pocoyo..

we really loves it.. every morning when i walks beside pocoyo cage, she will stand up to see who it is.. and she will stand up infront of the door because she wants to be out.. cute right..
everybody in my house love it..
everyone can hold pocoyo..
except for my mother.. she disgust by it.. but she love pocoyo too..
my father brought for syazwina.. because she begged for it everyday.. so my father brought for her.. =] for us too, of course.. thank u abah..
so here the picture..
pocoyo wants to eat..
do not know what she is doing..
on my hand..
this is her home..
sorie.. this pic is dark.. this is the only pic show her face..
i can't put flash because she wanted to sleep..
so thats all about pocoyo.
ps: aku tak penah dengki atau benci ape kau suka atau sayang
dan semua orang penah tipu, kau mahu ckp org tidak padai
menipu abeh kamu.. kau cume nampak kesalahan manusia
tapi bukan kau.. kau lah yang banyak kesalahan tapi kau tidak sedar..
aku cube buat bodoh masalah ini.. tapi ini sudah melampau..
kecian eh.. aku tau aku penah sakit kan hati kau.. AKU SEDAR KESALAHAN AKU.. tapi kau..
don't jugde people mistake if u do not know your own.. =)
dan semua orang penah tipu, kau mahu ckp org tidak padai
menipu abeh kamu.. kau cume nampak kesalahan manusia
tapi bukan kau.. kau lah yang banyak kesalahan tapi kau tidak sedar..
aku cube buat bodoh masalah ini.. tapi ini sudah melampau..
kecian eh.. aku tau aku penah sakit kan hati kau.. AKU SEDAR KESALAHAN AKU.. tapi kau..
don't jugde people mistake if u do not know your own.. =)
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