so Friday is back..
and examination is getting nearer and nearer.. and so is phase test..
and Ashari said if he fail this course he gonna change course for sure. i really hate it.. and i know if he does, we sure rarely meet.. i do hate it.
i don't know how is my feeling right now.. I'm kinda blue.. very down lately.. i just don't know how to cheer myself up.. even at class, i just want to laugh to be happy.. but i just give a fake smile.. what happening? i feel like there something missing.. am i under stress, or depression? this is not me..
school is getting better.. except for lesson Engineering Science. i really hate that fucking teacher, do not know how to teach. my test result is very bad.. Chemistry is okey, Ms Eileen is alright when you know her better. PIC, still blurrr.. FFPS, don't want to talk about it.. Classmate, getting less pupils in the class.. some debar, some skip school and some just want to quit i guess.
i just hope my 4 girlfriends remain with me. please don't talk them away from me.. Zulyannis, Amanina, Fify, Hasyira and Nazih always make me laugh with their blurness, jokes.
any idea for making myself come back? make me laugh?
i miss my 4t1 girls. when i read back the days, after school we went to macdonald, just going in there make us crazy. laugh with no reasons. now i'm alone. just have ashari with me. i really badly miss them, i want to meet them.. girls out.. but each one has their own business.. oh well.. i have to move on. think about my future now.. just sit inside my home and watch television i guess. eat candy will always make me smile. hehe.
So taday, had FFPS lesson.
had practical, next week have phase test so let the picture do the talking yea.
ashari is doing it.
Fify is practicing while Nazih teaches her.
so this is what happen when class is getting bored, above, Ridzuan drew it.
So yesterday went out with Ashari family..
Super shy lah.. i go for the sake of my sayang, i know if i go he will very happy. otherwise. just see his smile just paid off. i know he love me, insyallah.

Singapore Flyer. we didn't take the ride.. just visiting.
this is what happen if Ashari finished his food.
So Wednesday.
after school went to tampines mall..
what happen when teen started to play child toys??. can't stop!
So Monday.
Pic lesson.
cool huh? on the left is the plant(machine) that the control man used.
on the right it a camera outside showing what the field man is doing..
while doing this, ashari and i were partner and i was the field man and he is the control man,
i don't know that the camera exist, and like arie was inside the room and that was impossible that he can see me from inside, while i was outside doing what was told by him. and every move i did, he knew what it, and i was blur. how does he knows? so went inside the room i saw this live camera.. hehe..
communicate by walkey-talkey.
this is what happen when u are studying. so buruk.. deep in concentrations.. haha..
i loves that pencil.. hehe..
gotten our safety boots, which i called it, kasut batu..
had to wear it every practical lesson.. ohh shit..
and not forgetting my pet.
i love caiiou.
i love caiiou.
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