first of all, i'm so in love with this boy here.

Get Smart. it was hilarious. arie and i can't stop laughing. go and watch it.
itu pun kluar pukul 1030am blik pukul 330pm. sekejab kan. tak ape lah. he had to trained his shout junior to play soccer.
so yea, i baked brownie.
here are the picture.
well i make it, and the measurement of the ingredient is wrong. it came out tasting tasteless. but it was really chewy.
next topics arie go lepak with dzul, mieza, mas and bella.
i called arie.
me:syg, syg nk brownie?
arie: yelah, boleh amik skrg?
me: boleh. tapi tak sedap. btul2 tak ade rase tapi chewy.
arie: i tak kisah dari u.
so arie came and taste it. well, i cut it into cube so people tak rase sngat sedap ke tak.haha.
arie sit at my corridor garden. i bring him some water and the brownie. he can't stop eating. i don't know lah sedap ke tak kan. and yea. arie want to go.
arie, my bro, aqil and i went downstairs to play bicycle.
next topics.
arie and i pass our exam. i am so super happy. alhamdullilah.
okey lame. have to do better next term. yea.
next topics.