yea, i know i didn't blog for awhile. and my blog becoming dead.
well, well. where do i begin all my stories?
YIPEEE!!!! Examination has ended. so the exam was okey. i can do most of the questions. mudah-mudahan aku dan ashari lulus and all to my friends too. insyallah. our last exam was on wednesday, we went back with dzulkhalif, i wanted to ate mac, in the mrng saw dzul so we asked him to tagged along. he so cute lah. his fringe(don't know how to spell) so straight and at the end have a little wave. hehe.

and yea, Thursay the 5th is the day i started holiday and ashari started to work. kecian dier baru tutup skola kene kerje.
so i didn't went out because my mom have to go to "Pasang Pelamin", so i had to take care of my darls little bro and sis. and we off to my nyai's place. my cousin and i planned Friday we went out go to Escape Theme Park. and i agree. but then, suddenly i felt pretty weak. and yea, i have a fever. nyai gave me panadol to eat and the fever cool down. go home at night. have a great sleep.
wake up it was friday, i had a headache, i thought i slept too much. wake up and have a shower. my mom asked me if i can help her "pasang pelamin" short of people. of course i helped, she asked me to bring along khairul. because we have to do two places.
around 4pm, my little bro and sis and i went to nyai's place again.
455pm:nurul and i were eating while khairul watched us ate. hehe.
nurul: awk nk gi mane?
me: pasang pelamin lah.
nurul: kiter ikut boleh
khairul: ikut arh nurul, nnt balik aku tak ade kwn.
nurul: (asking me) boleh ikut?
me: ikut lah. lekas siap. lagik 5min turun
khairul: okey2, kasi kiter sembayang 5min, eh.. tak 4min, 4 rakaat. 1 rakaat, 1 min k.
nurul: (shouting)_nyai!!! nurul nk ikut.
nyai: sibok lah kau. lekas sikit.
me: (just smiling at them) (they are super cute and hilarious)
5pm we went down, my mom was mad at us because we are late. hehe. sorry.
we took taxi to semei. about an hour walk to east point to brought some drinks.
and back to work. and yea, this time i work really slow, i don't know why. i felt really weak. finished at semei around 9+pm and off to tampines. work, work again. luckily ther are 2 indon man and dad to help. at tampines, i was super tired so most of the time i sat down. we done around 1am. fuyo, so tired. went back to nyai place to fetch my bro and sis. and off to bed.
it was saturday, i felt so sick. i had a bad stomached and a bad headached. at night, my fever were back, i was at nyai's place again. hehe. i have to be better because i won yun nam haircare treatment. hehe. and i had an appointment on sunday at PS.
Sunday, i was feeling fine. get ready and off to PS with my both sister and kak ada brought abg jimmy along. and yea, kak ada keep teasing me yun nam girl. hehe. aku layan kan aje. kecian dier. hehe.. at PS only two people can enter so kak ayla and me went in, kak ada and her boy go watched movies. okey, firstly the yun nam people treated you very kind, friendly then chat chat. suddenly she talked about money, that moment we really don't have the money. and we said just used up the voucher. and her face change like not happy. she do my sister hair like not happy. for me, someone else do it for me. finish the treatment and the woman still talk about money, and we said NO.
and she like: don't want argh. okey lah. don't want. don't want lah. bye.
we like. watever. we ate Ljs. . kak ada and abg jimmy still watching movie. and we gome home without her. and yea, i won New York skin treatment too. after this incident happen at yun nam, comfirm kat new york pun same so i don't go. and new york keep calling me, i ignored.
monday, i woke up and yes i felt really weak, heavy, headached. i touched my forehead its okey, no fever. and my mom asked me to washed the dishes, and the dishes like a mountain. i washed the cups first, and sat down for awhile. then washed the plates, and sat down again. continued with the rest. after washed the dishes, i watched t.v feeling very weak. and yea, comfirm ade fever. i slept, wake up my fever getting worse, my family brought me to the clinic. and my temperature was 40 degree celcius. well it was okey. my family ate mac, i just looked at them drinking lemonade. go home, ate bubur and ate the medicine. i hate it really badly.
kak ada called up (nabilla, nurul, kak nadia and azreenie to be her clothes model), they asked me to be a model, i denied because i don't know how to pose. hehe. i had a graet time looking at them pose.
tuesday. still have fever. stayed at home, resting.
wednesday. was the sadness day for my family. still remember my pet hamster, Caiiou??somebody stole him away from us. my little precious. i really love him so much, even my mom who scare of hamster she still love caiiou. even ashari love playing with caiiou went waiting for me to get ready for school. this is our mistake too, we put both caiiou and pocoyo outside. we put them outside for months and nothing happened until this day came. i felt really sad, regret. but the theft just stole caiiou and leaved his cage there. what he/she trying to do with caiiou. if he/she stole caiiou with he cage, at least we will think that the theft want to sell it or keep it but now the theft just stole caiiou. and pocoyo still with us. and the saddest thing that, you know that people who has pet will talk to them even they don't understand yea. i promise caiiou that i will wash his cage this week and this happen. i really regret it.
i love you, caiiou. please come back. i want you back.
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