i really have no idea what to talk about.
i very bored at home right now. nk kluar tak boleh balik malam. haiz. tak ape lah.
national day yesterday. 1pm helped my mom pasang pelamin with azreena. we do help alot. very tired seh. azreena have to go home by4 because want to watch fireworks. i just teman kan dier blik. at nyai house. semue orang dh kluar nk tgk national day parade, fireworks, bday party. kecian nyai sorang2. so i and my adik teman kan dier until 930pm. the national day parade was super shiok.
national day at school was boring. i don't enjoy much. well, i got two balloon. white and purple. white i gave to asri. we plan to go to tamp to eat. but every food court are pack. arie have to go sholat jumaat. so we left annis. ira and nazih. sorry guys. and thats all lah. i want to go out.
and last week my mom was really sick. i feel so bad for her. i really love u mom. get well really soon.
and mom sakit2 pun nk buat wedding kek for org. i just help her to mix the white sugar into black icing and make the black thinggy at the top only, i can't do it at the side. hehe. my mom is super amazing person. i love u.
abeh cikgu ajar mendak seh.
and i really want candy so bad. but i have to control my addiction. i really have to save money.

school getting better. but friday ms eileen thought we are the bad one. but we are the victim. evil bloody girl. nk bilang cikgu psl kiter org bilang sekali lah salah kau. depan2 arh dgn kiter. aku paling beci org mcm gini. backstabbed org abeh tu step innocent. well, at least i have annis, irah, fify, arie, nazih, feerdaus, and all who always make me laugh. so i think thats all.
yesterday classmates watched fireworks, relly jealous. but i get over it. but pity arie, he didn't know anything about this outing. padehal we plan about this depan dier, just he busy playing his psp. hehe. love u.
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