ashari really want me to update this. but i'm to busy with studies lately, well exam is next week and i am blogging. oh well. this will take a while. studies can wait. haha.
and this arie asked me to update. his birthday. so manje.
Happy 17th Birthday to my crazy, manja sayang.
i go through alot on his bday, i planned for this about 3 to 4weeks before his bday.
i went to plaza singapura to buy his bday cards. the bday card i made myself okey. inspired by my sister, kak suhayla. so i go with my darling cousin, azreena and azreenie.
this is the staff. to make the cards. and that day it is the most embarrassed day for me. i will never go to paya lebar macdonald again.
and when out with my nadhirah, she wanted to buy her boyfriend bday gift and so do i.
so tired. catch up with our story. miss her alot. and the rest of the 4t1 girls of course. muacks.

muke aku mepek. haha.
buy for arie gift, want to know what i buy for him, just continue to read okey.
on the arie bday, wuahahaha. i went out from my house and arie were there, and just wish him happy birthday. thats all. hahaha. go to school with no present. he told fify that he is very sad because no celebration for his bday. wuahaha. oh u just wait boyfriend.
after school, plan with the rest of my friend to bring arie to pondok 123, while annis and i met my cousin, azreena and azreenie, oh yea, they are the one who bought my present and birthday cakes. thanks alot korang. sayang dierorg.
well my planned didn't work, we had so many things on our hands and we cant light the candle for the cakes. reached pondok arie were 80% surprise. haha. we celebrate.
so here are the picture.
the celebration for sayang.
the card that i made it took me ages. ceh bedek seh. i just took me 2 long days. hehe. i am very proud of my self.
and the gift.
arie suke sngat. haha. love u. aqil stop it k.
aqil tak habis2 nk amik gmbar. he was trying to make a "musai(misai)" that what he said.
sayang aqil.
macam phm. haha.
this are the crazy sister. haha.
special thanks to:
azreena and azreenie for accompany me to buy arie card.
nadhirah for accompany me to buy arie gift.
my mummy ku syg for made the cup cake for arie.
and the rest of my classmate for celebrate arie bday.
syazana sayang korang. haha.
azreena and azreenie for accompany me to buy arie card.
nadhirah for accompany me to buy arie gift.
my mummy ku syg for made the cup cake for arie.
and the rest of my classmate for celebrate arie bday.
syazana sayang korang. haha.