lately, when I'm at school, i looked at my JC0801L. All i can say i am really really thankful that i have such a caring friends. when I'm with them i feel like brothers and sisters. we joke around, we gossip, we talk crap, we always eat lunch together, seldom lepak, even though there is a misunderstanding, complicated thing with us. i still thankful i have wonderful classmate, we don't have mat-rep and minah-rep at our class. allhamdullilah. everyday when look at their face there will be a smile. i know some have family problem and we share the problem together, and yea they very happy go lucky people, what we called ourselves 'masai'. 'masai' its like 'crazy'. i don't used that word but irah and nazih did it.
our BBQ PIT Day.
lots of fun with them.
Our First Hari Raya
tons of fun.
random picture.
there lots and lots more picture but i show some k.
when come to Monday only five of us can leave early
Well this picture ashari taking the picture.Like last Monday, Nazih crack everybody up. he is full of imagination. once u say something yg pelik or tak pelik he will still imagine. sometime tak kelakar sometime really kelakar. i love his imagination.
This is my one of the favourite stuff to do.
our group take water from the swimming pool and we have to check if the water has calcium or not. first it change colour to pink and we add the solution 3 it begin purple.
and our group have to put 200++ drop then it change purple. see how many calcium does the swimming pool have? hehe. i like these thing because this is my first time i added chemical together. haha. but my favourite, is operating the machine.
the room that is cold and dark.

ryan and shahfiq

irah and nazih

from inside fify and nazih(above)

from outside me and arie(above)

ryan and nazih
kiter duduk dlm bilik tu tdo some main psp.

my sayang nye birthday nak dekat. i want to surprise him the best i could do for his birthday

and he cut his hair, he felt so sad. nvm mind k syg. i like yr new hair.
he cut because our teacher told who has long hair for the boys have to cut short and he cut it.
he is a good boy. iloveyou.
and about 20 people were selected to go early attachment including me, arie, shahfiq, fify, nazih, ryan, nazri and akmal. and the attachment started on the 15december and ended at 15 may 2009. i am really nervous and when i come back to school i don't want my class to change i want to belong to JC0801L. and when i go to early attachment my darling girlfriends ANNIS and Irah will no longer same class with me. and thats so boring. i really not ready for attachment.
50% excitement and want to go
50% nervous and dont want to go. and when i have the feeling nervous, the nervous will concer all.
so thats all. toodles.
ryan and shahfiq
irah and nazih
from inside fify and nazih(above)

from outside me and arie(above)
ryan and nazih
kiter duduk dlm bilik tu tdo some main psp.
my sayang nye birthday nak dekat. i want to surprise him the best i could do for his birthday

and he cut his hair, he felt so sad. nvm mind k syg. i like yr new hair.
he cut because our teacher told who has long hair for the boys have to cut short and he cut it.
he is a good boy. iloveyou.
and about 20 people were selected to go early attachment including me, arie, shahfiq, fify, nazih, ryan, nazri and akmal. and the attachment started on the 15december and ended at 15 may 2009. i am really nervous and when i come back to school i don't want my class to change i want to belong to JC0801L. and when i go to early attachment my darling girlfriends ANNIS and Irah will no longer same class with me. and thats so boring. i really not ready for attachment.
50% excitement and want to go
50% nervous and dont want to go. and when i have the feeling nervous, the nervous will concer all.
so thats all. toodles.

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