todaY when out with my minah.. well the nerdy minah.. hehe.. lol..
well i have a plan to meet arie, we wanted to go jogging.. then ana called that we are going out..
sorie arie i hd to cancelled our date.. hahaha..
and i'm the most odd one because they all wore legging and i'm wearing jeans, i'm the onli one wear specs, i'm the oli one tied my hair, i'm the onli one wear a different bag, oh well...
we thought of watching tranformer then ana said that she had watch the movie.. then we like said to watch again, and she do not want.. thats ok.. then we wanted to watch nancy drew, and she said she also watched that movie.. alamak ana... nasib baik arh kasut tk sampai muke awk.. hehe.. joking.. oh well.. another time i guess..
then we ate at long john.. and bla.. bla.. bla.. ana brought clothes, ira brought shade that specs arh, meeza and ira brought a same black jeans katakan adik kembar and mpp.. oh what the hell.. but i like that jeans... oh well.. and i don't buy anything.. not knowing wat to buy.. then ana ajak gi pizza hut at bdk, apa lagi jumpe kekasih nye lah.. hehe.. oh well, we get free drinks and food.. hahaha.. and rizuana came with her hubby.. so here the pics...
ana and meeza
meeza and ira, meeza said that tis pic remind her of omar
hehe.. i think so..
*glup* *glup*
ira and her new shades/ and hykel hand and my hand..
this pics is candid.. cool huh?? every body is facing one side..
we saw eunice..
the girls.. eh, bile eunice ade.. watever..
end.. and i managed to buy hair clip for myself and candy..
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