this picture i took from afiqa blog...
this is the picture we took during recess.. crazy.. and the lower sec look at us like crazy people..
had my malay n-level oral examination today at bedok town secondary school... the one supposed to take today were dismissed at 0105.. we walk to bedok town.. and hykel stop it lah with the 'j' jiwa konon.. oh well.. my heartbeat were so fast.. can make music.. ok nonsense.. we take the oral with bedok green secondary... while waiting, we laugh and laugh, lagi2 ana.. ketawe maintain sikit.. haha... padahal aku ketawe pun rabak.. oh well. riz took everybody ezlink but she took my ic.. so she began to draw our pictures.. lawah seh dier draw.. *ehem* my face like zombie.. haha.. oh well.. ade rupa jugak... then it was my turn..
jantung ku dh start beating very fast.. my headache also start.. alamak..
dlm bilik oral.. i knoe i did pretty badly.. while reading, i like shaking like hell.. i started to read, first it was ok.. suddenly i began to panicked not knoeing why.. and i read this word wrongly, "belajar" became "belace" apu tu syaz... and that one stupid mistake the rest of the word/sentence i began to say it wrongly.. ya allah..
and i knoe that my malay is damn teruk or not good.. while thinking what i want to talk.. the whole room was silence, and the 2 teachers infront of me start to stare at me.. omg.. i'm died.. haizzz.. n-level seh syaz.. haiyo... i jus hope i pass.. i met some of my old friends... hidayu, hadijah and hisham... wah, semue 'h' lah seh.. and one girl farah.. i don't knoe her quite well.. oh well.. but the most i'm happy to see is hisham because we are rapat before and always chat on msn then suddenly we stop contact.. so mcm happy gitu jumpe dier.. hehe..
while waiting for irah.... fiqa, riz, ana and me were talking.. then suddenly some idiot go and pured water, not any water but it was peace or mango tea.. and the water came splashing on rizuana shoulder.. we like shocking.. fiqa dh binggit...
kalau tak suke kiter dtg skola kau, tak payah tuang air lah.. boleh bbual ape.. pengecot... nie lah budak2.. kiter dtg skola kau, nk amik n-lebel bukan nk cari gadoh bodoh.. (eh rhyme lah, 'gadoh bodoh' ) haha.. ok mepek..
oh well.. after that we ate macdonald.. abeh ade org tu sibok lah seh, dgn muke tak tau malu, nk ikut pulak tu.. sape ajak kau nie... muke tembok seh.. haiz.. kawan kiter jugak kan.. hehe.. oh well...
Yesterday Photo
happy nye aku.. ms lee sorie eh if i distured u.. i knoe u want to take picture.. take only.. no need to shy2... and this pictures i called ms lee for help but i take picture.. at last she do my work.. haha
irah, mata maintain k.. haha
and this picture were taken yesterday.. i'm the fan of mieza and irah (layan kan nie dua aje.. mpp kan) but i'm the one feel that i am popular.. haha.. and those picture i took from hamizah blog..
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