so i gonna talk about lesson, LLA.. the class is so relaxing lah.. just do some small project and watch movies.. and the past 2 weeks.. we watched "Ghost Whisperer". the first and second episode. the first episode is about soldier guy died.. i almost cry lah.. but kene lah 'menten' babe..hehe..
the second episode about this cute little boy who die in a train track accident.. i really loved that episode.. omg.. so sad, so touching, poor thing and many sad words lah.. cannot control seh. so i just let it go, i cry almost the whole scene lah.. annis sit beside me..
she saw i cried.. omg.. haha..
annis: kau nangis.. haha
me: ah'h lah.. sedih(sobbing)
then about some moment later she also cry.. haha..
every scene it is so darn sad lah, lagi2 budak tu cute and PELAT(like me) so cute arh.. hehe.
I just want to watch that show again.. but right now our computer has no SOUND AGAIN.. computer kalau tak ade sound really annoying.. Benci...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
My Saturday
so Saturday(26th april 2008) has passed.
its my 1 year and 9 Months with arie..
so yesterday. we just went out without a plan where to go..
after take back my S500i at east point. then we just go shopping at parkway parade.
i wanted to go to bugis, but no time cause i had to go to my grandma place..
so sayang, thank u for the outing today.. even though we didn't go anywhere. i enjoy spend time with u..
arie will always be love.

went to grandma place, i do miss my darls cousins..
about 930 we went to tanjong pagar i think.. at the train.
the food there are delicious.
after that went to Singapore flyers. just looking around.. aku mahu naik itu.. but tidak ada wang.
so here is the picture.

Friday, April 25, 2008
i loves weekends,
so its finally Friday. it is so fast. after the weekdays theory and practical classes. and now can have a break for 2 days. woohoo. love it.
Monday just gotten our safety boots.. must wear it every time when there is practical.. haiyo.. starting from nx week..
thursday my cute little handphone were sent for repair.. get it tomorrow.. happy..
today, friday. after ffps lesson finished. saw zulhilmi and dzulkhalif outside my class, i was so delighted to saw their faces.. they always make me smile. went to buy nadhirah polo-t..
then zulhilmi wanted to go to damai sec so i also tag along.. argue with them whether want to take 31 or 2.. but at last went to bustop 31. then like the bustop were so packed. so walked until beside Changi hospital bustop and wait for bus 5. i kept on laughing because of dzulkhalif.. whenever the three of us said something, he will said "habis, habis" following this video about bangla talking malay.. then reached at michael's meet both hykel and haidzair.. then went to damai sec to collect testimonial. talked, laughed with mr ng. talked bout secondary moment.. took some picture so we were inside damai for so long lah..
lepak at micheal's. so some of the guys started to smoke and play poker card. i just sat there ate chicken seaweeds.haha. about 30min.. they played poker then the principle, discipline master and mr. yu of damai sec caught us. sent the pity three damaian boy inside the school.. luckily they don't smoke lah and the idiotic new principle asked mr.yu to called, CID, POLICE and one more lah... i like what??.. what we do. we just play poker.. i know it is bad.. but what the hell.. then the principle went off already, we faster leave the place.. i go home.. yea.. hehe.. then went to my grandma house.. miss my grandma and my irritating cousins.. go home about 6+.

my face look fucking tired lah.. buruk seh.. i miss Mr Ng and Mr Gabriel. they are the best teacher i ever had.
and yea, tomorrow will be our 1year and 8mths anniversary.. i just loves ashari..
p.s: to my dearest Hasyirah and Zulyannis.. don't be sad yea.. when i heard yr stories i felt really bad for not being there for u guys.. i didn't realise it.. and i know how it feel like being backstab.. hope this matter will be better.. love u guys.. happy always.. i will always be there for u guys.. =D
Friday, April 18, 2008
I'm the only Malay girl today
So today morning, received a message from Annis.
Annis: syaz, can kau leh jumpe aku kat forum jab? kau leh pegang kan shoebag aku. after sch, aku amek alek. if u don mind uh.
then i like thinking, selalu nye nina yg pegang. but of course i don mind, she a friend of mind. yea.
then remembered that the four besties of mind, Annis, Fify, Nina & Ira will not be coming to class today because they are in charge of the April intake telematch. oh man.. i'm all alone.. hehe..
but then, still got my ayang, arie..
its like really weird being the only girls. the chinese girl i don't really close to them.. so went to eat also with the boys.
oh well.. today lesson only FFPS.. and that funny teacher LOST our phase test marks.. haha.. so have to do all over again.. so funny sia.. And today many didn't turned up for lesson.
about 1030, FFPS theory class. the teacher like teaching us, and about 3/4 of the class, do their own business.. hehe.. and akmar suddenly shout SYAZJAJA.. i like looked at him like how do you know my nick name.. and i realised my bluetooth were on..
akmar: asl jaja seh?
me: kecik2, family aku panggil aku JAJA. sampai lah sekarang..
and akmar and nazri like making like"the mom calling the child went the child was a baby.
i like what the hell.. but it is also funny.
our lesson supposed to finished at 1 pm.. but the muslim guys have the permission to dismiss at 1230..
at 1230, the teacher say can go.. i also go lah... while waiting for the some other guys to came out, suddenly the teacher came out, "eh, u also arh??"
me: yea.. yea.. girls also can go..
the teacher: ohh..
me and the guys like laughing.. hehe..
so thats all.. so i hope to know my friends very well.. very soon i hope.. because they are really funny and friendly..
thats all..
Annis: syaz, can kau leh jumpe aku kat forum jab? kau leh pegang kan shoebag aku. after sch, aku amek alek. if u don mind uh.
then i like thinking, selalu nye nina yg pegang. but of course i don mind, she a friend of mind. yea.
then remembered that the four besties of mind, Annis, Fify, Nina & Ira will not be coming to class today because they are in charge of the April intake telematch. oh man.. i'm all alone.. hehe..
but then, still got my ayang, arie..
its like really weird being the only girls. the chinese girl i don't really close to them.. so went to eat also with the boys.
oh well.. today lesson only FFPS.. and that funny teacher LOST our phase test marks.. haha.. so have to do all over again.. so funny sia.. And today many didn't turned up for lesson.
about 1030, FFPS theory class. the teacher like teaching us, and about 3/4 of the class, do their own business.. hehe.. and akmar suddenly shout SYAZJAJA.. i like looked at him like how do you know my nick name.. and i realised my bluetooth were on..
akmar: asl jaja seh?
me: kecik2, family aku panggil aku JAJA. sampai lah sekarang..
and akmar and nazri like making like"the mom calling the child went the child was a baby.
i like what the hell.. but it is also funny.
our lesson supposed to finished at 1 pm.. but the muslim guys have the permission to dismiss at 1230..
at 1230, the teacher say can go.. i also go lah... while waiting for the some other guys to came out, suddenly the teacher came out, "eh, u also arh??"
me: yea.. yea.. girls also can go..
the teacher: ohh..
me and the guys like laughing.. hehe..
so thats all.. so i hope to know my friends very well.. very soon i hope.. because they are really funny and friendly..
thats all..
Thursday, April 17, 2008
i'm sick of my life
now, everyday, every moment is the same.
but i still do love my ashari,
he is the only person i can turn to went i'm stress,
and we do take care of each other.
i just worry sick about my studies.
i hate chemistry alot,
i hate engineering Science,
i hate the subject because of the teachers,
their teaching, i just don't understand.
i don't know how i can manage this,
who i want to turn to for help with my studies,
everyday i come to school to learn and i tried really hard
to understand,
but somehow, i can't.
it is really frustrated.
i can't sleep well at night right now,
thinking and thinking.
my new friends,
i love them.
just the teacher, sometimes really angry with them.
they said we are too noisy.
but my secondary school classmate is the same as them,
but still i can learned.
they always said that our class is very noisy, naughty, watever lah
among other classes.
what the hell.
but then our teacher, haizz.. don't want to talk about it.
just now came to school just for 40minutes.
chemistry practical was cancelled,
so came at 1030 for chemistry mass lecture,
1030 till 1110.
and yea, still don't understand.
but i still do love my ashari,
he is the only person i can turn to went i'm stress,
and we do take care of each other.
i just worry sick about my studies.
i hate chemistry alot,
i hate engineering Science,
i hate the subject because of the teachers,
their teaching, i just don't understand.
i don't know how i can manage this,
who i want to turn to for help with my studies,
everyday i come to school to learn and i tried really hard
to understand,
but somehow, i can't.
it is really frustrated.
i can't sleep well at night right now,
thinking and thinking.
my new friends,
i love them.
just the teacher, sometimes really angry with them.
they said we are too noisy.
but my secondary school classmate is the same as them,
but still i can learned.
they always said that our class is very noisy, naughty, watever lah
among other classes.
what the hell.
but then our teacher, haizz.. don't want to talk about it.
just now came to school just for 40minutes.
chemistry practical was cancelled,
so came at 1030 for chemistry mass lecture,
1030 till 1110.
and yea, still don't understand.
p.s: i miss my girlfriends,
Siti nur nadhirah, Rizuana, Hamizah, Masturah.s, Nur afiqa idayu, Ryhana, Nor masturah & Farah niza. now we are seperated, and hardly see each others. they always make me laugh.
even we fight, i really regret that i fight with them before. they my super best girlfriends i ever had. i just loved them alot. just this blog i had left that i can tell u guy that i really love u guys.
i just wish that i was given one more day, that we can sit at our tables in our 4T1 classrooms and gossip, giggles, laugh, cry, catch up with each others life.. i miss that moment..
Siti nur nadhirah, Rizuana, Hamizah, Masturah.s, Nur afiqa idayu, Ryhana, Nor masturah & Farah niza. now we are seperated, and hardly see each others. they always make me laugh.
even we fight, i really regret that i fight with them before. they my super best girlfriends i ever had. i just loved them alot. just this blog i had left that i can tell u guy that i really love u guys.
i just wish that i was given one more day, that we can sit at our tables in our 4T1 classrooms and gossip, giggles, laugh, cry, catch up with each others life.. i miss that moment..
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
i know i don't post much.. my blog is going to die if i don't post yea..
well, school holiday was okey.. Now, back to school.. ohhh, i miss my JC0801L.. sometimes they quite cute, funny.. i want to get to know them even better.. school work?? i can handle it.. but i just can't take it with my teacher attitude.. we don't understand, she don't want to teach.. what the f***.. we are her student.. stupid teacher.. and i really need help with CHEMISTRY.. feel like want to back off.. but i love chemical process technology.. just the idiotic teacher make me want to give up.. so have to study myself..
so monday, PIC lesson, group 1 and group 2(half of the class split) switched place to learn a new plant(machine) to operate.. i miss miss karen teaching. now, miss quek teach us.. when she teach us.. alamak.. SLEEPY SEH.. haha.. that time, vicki like kacau2 me, very irratating. so everytime he annoyed me, i say shut up.. but then miss quek caught me and give me the angry look.. hahaha... and asri and vicki makes some jokes.. fify and i like laugh like hell.. and miss quek like keep looking at me.. hehe. then after break, 2 of Chinese boy volunteer to operate the plant(machine). while i am watching them and i sitting right infront of them and miss quek.. TERTIDUR LAH.. haha.. and i heard miss quek say "we will wait 5minutes until this thing stabilize". went i heard that, continue tidur lah ape lagi.. gi mampos arh kalau kene mrh.. hehe..
tuesday. chemistry lesson.. don't want to talk about it.,
Pic lesson, had test.. yes, some question i can do.. insyallah i pass..
chemistry, that teacher give us homework. 3pages(calculation bout chemistry) and wednesday that is today had ENS test.. and she asked us to pass it by today 8am but today has no chemistry.. what?! ^@%&##
so i do like hell yesterday night.. till 1230am OKEY..
while i still don't understand ens much.. for her sake. f***.
then today, got p.e lesson and i am waiting to pass up the h.w lah.. and my girlfriends still doing it.. then after walking straight for 2 round, around the stadium.. haha.. then the girl continue to do their h.w lah.. while the boys played soccer.. the suddenly, our classmate came and say today chemistry h.w no need to pass up..
suddenly this word come out from my mouth that i never say to anyone and infront of public..
i say. "F*** THAT WOMEN LAH.." vikki heard it.. and like "woah" haha.. i know it is minor word to say but it is to harsh..
ENS lesson.. test.. the thing i study never come out okey.. binggit.. and i like copy firdaus work, and he copy me.. haha.. cause inside my class, there are 2 small rooms that can be seen from my classrooms.. too many people inside the classroom, so about 20 person was send to that 2 rooms.. there have glass window so can see through lah.. nazri at the another room and i'm at the other.. and he keep showing hand sign.. question numbers to give him answer... hehe.. went i pass up the test paper, the teacher like smiling at me,
miss neo: easy right the test paper??
me: what?! no lah, the thing i study never come out..
she smiled..
i really badly wants to pass everything, test, phase test, exam.. but this can't continue like this. i have about 7 more weeks till exams.. so no play time, had to work real hard.. haizz.. stress..
well, school holiday was okey.. Now, back to school.. ohhh, i miss my JC0801L.. sometimes they quite cute, funny.. i want to get to know them even better.. school work?? i can handle it.. but i just can't take it with my teacher attitude.. we don't understand, she don't want to teach.. what the f***.. we are her student.. stupid teacher.. and i really need help with CHEMISTRY.. feel like want to back off.. but i love chemical process technology.. just the idiotic teacher make me want to give up.. so have to study myself..
so monday, PIC lesson, group 1 and group 2(half of the class split) switched place to learn a new plant(machine) to operate.. i miss miss karen teaching. now, miss quek teach us.. when she teach us.. alamak.. SLEEPY SEH.. haha.. that time, vicki like kacau2 me, very irratating. so everytime he annoyed me, i say shut up.. but then miss quek caught me and give me the angry look.. hahaha... and asri and vicki makes some jokes.. fify and i like laugh like hell.. and miss quek like keep looking at me.. hehe. then after break, 2 of Chinese boy volunteer to operate the plant(machine). while i am watching them and i sitting right infront of them and miss quek.. TERTIDUR LAH.. haha.. and i heard miss quek say "we will wait 5minutes until this thing stabilize". went i heard that, continue tidur lah ape lagi.. gi mampos arh kalau kene mrh.. hehe..
tuesday. chemistry lesson.. don't want to talk about it.,
Pic lesson, had test.. yes, some question i can do.. insyallah i pass..
chemistry, that teacher give us homework. 3pages(calculation bout chemistry) and wednesday that is today had ENS test.. and she asked us to pass it by today 8am but today has no chemistry.. what?! ^@%&##
so i do like hell yesterday night.. till 1230am OKEY..
while i still don't understand ens much.. for her sake. f***.
then today, got p.e lesson and i am waiting to pass up the h.w lah.. and my girlfriends still doing it.. then after walking straight for 2 round, around the stadium.. haha.. then the girl continue to do their h.w lah.. while the boys played soccer.. the suddenly, our classmate came and say today chemistry h.w no need to pass up..
suddenly this word come out from my mouth that i never say to anyone and infront of public..
i say. "F*** THAT WOMEN LAH.." vikki heard it.. and like "woah" haha.. i know it is minor word to say but it is to harsh..
ENS lesson.. test.. the thing i study never come out okey.. binggit.. and i like copy firdaus work, and he copy me.. haha.. cause inside my class, there are 2 small rooms that can be seen from my classrooms.. too many people inside the classroom, so about 20 person was send to that 2 rooms.. there have glass window so can see through lah.. nazri at the another room and i'm at the other.. and he keep showing hand sign.. question numbers to give him answer... hehe.. went i pass up the test paper, the teacher like smiling at me,
miss neo: easy right the test paper??
me: what?! no lah, the thing i study never come out..
she smiled..
i really badly wants to pass everything, test, phase test, exam.. but this can't continue like this. i have about 7 more weeks till exams.. so no play time, had to work real hard.. haizz.. stress..
Saturday, April 5, 2008
i really really need candy, sugar and lots and lots of candy.. i don't want chocolate.. every time i opened the fridge there like 2 packets of cabery(don't know how to spell lah) chocolate.. the mini bars chocolate.. I DON'T WANT CHOCOLATE.. I WANT CANDY..
i don't care if it is "hacks" candy, anything that related to cute little colourful, shape,many types of flavour candy i will be so happy..
why i don't like chocolate? thats the question. because i don't know. i know it is the part of candy family, but i don't like it.. its like boring. i know some people say like chocolate is heaven but NOT ME. hehe.. but i like milk chocolate..
i haven't eaten any candy for like 5 super non-candy days.. =(( give me, fruitips, i will finish it about 15min or less.. i swear.. don't talk about mantos. love mantos.. and yea. TICTAC.. especially the orange box.. and don't get me started with the sour candy, omg i love it.. especially the new one come out, i forgot the name right now.. the long candy covered with sugars.. YUMMY.. i'm drooling right now..
and the yupi bear, yupi hamberger, yupi snake.. the cute little candy.. omg..
the reason i don't buy it.. bacause.......
i don't care if it is "hacks" candy, anything that related to cute little colourful, shape,many types of flavour candy i will be so happy..
why i don't like chocolate? thats the question. because i don't know. i know it is the part of candy family, but i don't like it.. its like boring. i know some people say like chocolate is heaven but NOT ME. hehe.. but i like milk chocolate..
i haven't eaten any candy for like 5 super non-candy days.. =(( give me, fruitips, i will finish it about 15min or less.. i swear.. don't talk about mantos. love mantos.. and yea. TICTAC.. especially the orange box.. and don't get me started with the sour candy, omg i love it.. especially the new one come out, i forgot the name right now.. the long candy covered with sugars.. YUMMY.. i'm drooling right now..
and the yupi bear, yupi hamberger, yupi snake.. the cute little candy.. omg..
the reason i don't buy it.. bacause.......
Thursday, April 3, 2008
so sorry for not posting for 5days..
i didn't post on monday because, i had a bad headache.. i think to tired..
tuesday i didn't post because, i went out with my beloved cousin azreena and azreenie.
wednesday i didn't post because went out with ayang(ashari)hehe..
so today i'm free so i begin with my stories..

had lots of fun.. lots of shouting. lots of laughing.. lots of FOODS.. hehe..
my family pit that i had been waiting for months had ended so soon. wish the day never end..
so i just upload the picture..

on the hammock..

this is the first time kakak suhayla play the PSP.

sisters fight over water gun.. hehe.. so cute..

kak syiqah tk habis2 dgn water gun dier.

the present for the games.

rent the bike.

nyai make us Popsicles. yummy.


prayer time..

beach time..

aling(abg irwan)&ayang(ashari)came..
my family called them aling & ayang.

cut it..

game time.. paman be the host..

bunga api..

present time..
sunday.. friends pit.. it is okey.. i think i ate 7 pieces of chicken.. the chicken is so damn nice lah..
thank u aziz for the presentation.. love it.. and to my dearest rizuana.. we waited for u. and so sad that u can't make it.. i really miss u darling.. insyallah kalau ade outing lagi, kau dtg k.. sayang kamu..
so sorry i did not upload the picture.. because suddenly something wrong with my comp..
tuesday went out with azreena and azreenie.. the giler adik beradik.. they don't go to school..
because azreena were lazy. azreenie had fever bacause she saw A GHOST!! really!!.. haha.. but then, i don't know why, when i heard her story i laughed and laughed..
i tell u her stories yea.
she was sleeping at her bed with her sister(azreena) about 7+pm her sister wake up because azreenie feet on her face. she was so frustrated that she closed the door and switch off the light..
so at 9pm.. azreenie wake up with a big black thing and a white face that have no face, understand. like the thing has no eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows. on top of her facing at her and she like shouting for help.. but the funny thing is no body heard her shouting, but my kakak sedare heard her and rushed to the room.
kak syiqin: az, are u okey?
azreenie: no!! (running with a pale look on her face)
the next morning she had fever.. sedih nye.. tapi sempat ajak aku gi macdonald.. haha.. miss them so much..
they never failed to make me laugh.. they are my greatest bestfriends.
i didn't post on monday because, i had a bad headache.. i think to tired..
tuesday i didn't post because, i went out with my beloved cousin azreena and azreenie.
wednesday i didn't post because went out with ayang(ashari)hehe..
so today i'm free so i begin with my stories..
had lots of fun.. lots of shouting. lots of laughing.. lots of FOODS.. hehe..
my family pit that i had been waiting for months had ended so soon. wish the day never end..
so i just upload the picture..
on the hammock..
this is the first time kakak suhayla play the PSP.
sisters fight over water gun.. hehe.. so cute..
kak syiqah tk habis2 dgn water gun dier.
the present for the games.
rent the bike.
nyai make us Popsicles. yummy.
prayer time..
beach time..
aling(abg irwan)&ayang(ashari)came..
my family called them aling & ayang.
cut it..
game time.. paman be the host..
bunga api..
present time..
sunday.. friends pit.. it is okey.. i think i ate 7 pieces of chicken.. the chicken is so damn nice lah..
thank u aziz for the presentation.. love it.. and to my dearest rizuana.. we waited for u. and so sad that u can't make it.. i really miss u darling.. insyallah kalau ade outing lagi, kau dtg k.. sayang kamu..
so sorry i did not upload the picture.. because suddenly something wrong with my comp..
tuesday went out with azreena and azreenie.. the giler adik beradik.. they don't go to school..
because azreena were lazy. azreenie had fever bacause she saw A GHOST!! really!!.. haha.. but then, i don't know why, when i heard her story i laughed and laughed..
i tell u her stories yea.
she was sleeping at her bed with her sister(azreena) about 7+pm her sister wake up because azreenie feet on her face. she was so frustrated that she closed the door and switch off the light..
so at 9pm.. azreenie wake up with a big black thing and a white face that have no face, understand. like the thing has no eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows. on top of her facing at her and she like shouting for help.. but the funny thing is no body heard her shouting, but my kakak sedare heard her and rushed to the room.
kak syiqin: az, are u okey?
azreenie: no!! (running with a pale look on her face)
the next morning she had fever.. sedih nye.. tapi sempat ajak aku gi macdonald.. haha.. miss them so much..
they never failed to make me laugh.. they are my greatest bestfriends.
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