Saturday, April 5, 2008

i really really need candy, sugar and lots and lots of candy.. i don't want chocolate.. every time i opened the fridge there like 2 packets of cabery(don't know how to spell lah) chocolate.. the mini bars chocolate.. I DON'T WANT CHOCOLATE.. I WANT CANDY..

i don't care if it is "hacks" candy, anything that related to cute little colourful, shape,many types of flavour candy i will be so happy..

why i don't like chocolate? thats the question. because i don't know. i know it is the part of candy family, but i don't like it.. its like boring. i know some people say like chocolate is heaven but NOT ME. hehe.. but i like milk chocolate..

i haven't eaten any candy for like 5 super non-candy days.. =(( give me, fruitips, i will finish it about 15min or less.. i swear.. don't talk about mantos. love mantos.. and yea. TICTAC.. especially the orange box.. and don't get me started with the sour candy, omg i love it.. especially the new one come out, i forgot the name right now.. the long candy covered with sugars.. YUMMY.. i'm drooling right now..
and the yupi bear, yupi hamberger, yupi snake.. the cute little candy.. omg..

the reason i don't buy it.. bacause.......

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