i'm back. where do i begun my story.
ermm.. okey. paman zari and bik wiwik belanje my whole family at "mad jack".
they are very kind ppl. and yea. got this moment nabilla called nyai "usik usik nyai yatim" it's a long story and i'm so lazy to type about it.only nabilla, kak syiqah and i and whoever heard her saying that will know it. kak syiqah and i can't stop laughing. this is the first time nabilla crack me up. so the picture.

next topics.
school was great. and yea. most practical class we must be in group.
i'm in the gila group. why i said that? because in my group there is asri the annoying funny noisy guy, and there surizan the very gila , funny irritating guy. and marvyn is okey. cannot tahan with this both asri and surizan. boleh dpt high blood pressure tau. hehe. they always make me laugh though. surizan always shout at my ear. and when he told me a joke, dgn expression seh. and this time he told me a joke. i look at his face, eh'h like my cousin khairul. hehe.

surizan face cannot be seen. haha. btw don't tell ashari. he a handsome dude.haha.

next topics.
friday time. the whole day i can said that i did not learn anything because i sat with ashari and i cannot study. he keep talking with me. we laughed, he disturbed other ppl. when i stop talking with me. he wrote a letter for me. saying that "i love u" hehe. i really love him.
next lesson. we didn't study because the whole school must practice fire drill. haha. like funny gitu kan. so no need to study. and i look at surizan phone. so cute lah. got t.v with antenna(don't know how to spell) and we all kpo try to reached suria channel. haha. got sound but the channel very blur.

here the t.v phone.
next topics
the whole CE student at the field. and like about few minute and thats it. we can leave.. mepek kan.
and at 2pm. nadhirah and i join badminton. and my hand are aching right now.
after badminton my sayng fetched me. thank u so much. i love him so much.
we sat bawah blk sekejab sebab i want our picture on his phone. and yea, he has tons and tons of our picture. and my picture are the most like he kept hundreds of my picture. sayang dier.

and i can't believe he kept this picture for months and i never seen it before. my very favourite picture of us.(above)

see his cute face. i still can remember this moment.
after i touch his nose,
arie: u!!!
then he got flu.
hahahahaha. sayang dier. i love him alot.
go home and i saw this.
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