Wednesday, July 2, 2008

first of all. i want to congrat spain for winning the euro 08cup. they really deserve it after 44 year finally they won.. happy for them. u guys did very well.
as for germany, i still love u. u guys did great. 0-1 i can see it a tough match. well, i don't know which country i like most. i just love watching the hot, handsome dude and love watching them play. and i can't wait for world cup.

..moving on..

so yea, i got a letter from ite.
have to report at where, that kind of stuff. and our lesson now is like f***. start at 8am and end at 430pm the latest. not like last term, every Wednesday and Thursday lesson end at 1130am. and the lesson now like 8am to 12pm. and we have to study till 12pm, i feeling restless now. hehe.. WTH. we need food! every day have practical thats mean cannot wear skirt anymore. WTH. SKIRT TU BUAT APER KAT RUMAH, PERIASAN! BODOH!. and total we have 5 subject to study. haiyo. tak ape lah. korban nie semua, want to be success have to let go. at least i have the heart to study and that all right. and i am so happy Annis still the same class with me and irah i not sure. they are the one i love to be friends with.

..moving on..

tomorrow we are going to the zoo. to the zoo. to the zoo. zoo we are coming. hehe. going with my darling 4t1 classmate. i really miss them and love them so much. see u guys tomorrow.

..moving on..

have not seen my sayang for.. i don't know. i know it been quite a while we met. i miss him. it also my fault, when we plan to go out, there will something get in our way. so i'm so sorry sayang. so tomorrow i will meet him. so excited. wuhoo!!
i love u so much. see u tomorrow.

now i am going to sing this song.
tomorrow. tomorrow, i love u tomorrow, it's only a day away. (repeat)(its a song)


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