arie asked me to update but i'm to busy.
so it is saturday and it is my off day. so i'm going to talk about,
January 2008.
> the next chapter of my life.
- i had to leave my secondary school life and begin my life in ITE.
- Get Chemical process technology and Get same class with ASHARI again. hehe
- started to make new friends. and lucky for me they are super alright.
- we get along very well.
we been knowing each other for one month and we already play pool together and eat pizza hut together.

end of January 2008
Febuary 2008
- we had NAPFA TEST. for the five station i did well. for 2.4km run. don't said about it. since secondary 1 i never pass my 2.4km run. and in the year 2008, i am the last person in class to reached. haha. must do well in 2009 2.4 km run.
- studies for this course was super hard for us the whole class. still remember every one hate our class adviser and every one felt like giving up. well. every thing going to change later.
- every wednesday we played snooker/pool. and i'm getting better. puji diri sendiri sia syaz. tak malu.
- having our class test and practice for our phase test. school is getting better.
end of Febuary 2008
my phase test.and celebrate, wina, nadrah, hikmah, imdad and kak sarah bday.

and the first time i went to the west alone to do project at fify's house. haha. congrats syaz.

and had family's pit and 4t1's pit. the best moment.

my family gathering.

4t1 gathering.
and the first time i went to the west alone to do project at fify's house. haha. congrats syaz.
and had family's pit and 4t1's pit. the best moment.
my family gathering.

4t1 gathering.
end of March 2008
April 2008

haha. mcm phm.
end of April 2008
May 2008

- still hate my class edvisor. haha. improved a little in my studies. left 7week till examination.
- get our new safety boots.
- went back to damai secondary school to take testimonial.

haha. mcm phm.
end of April 2008
May 2008
- the first time i went out with ashari's family.

- had our first examination
end of May 2008
June 2008
- school holiday!!
- caiiou my pet hamster went missing. but couple of day he was back.
- had bad fever and a huge ulcer. don't want to get that fever again.
- and our beloved arwah hairizam will always be miss. and will always pray for him
- i pass with flying colours for my examination. arie also passed. alhamdullilah
end of June 2008
July 2008
- ashari went to tanjong pinang and bringing back maggi for my family. hahaha. aqil love it.
- outing with some 4t1 classmates. went to the zoo. haha. best.
- back to school, new studies to be study and taufik came to our school.
- paman zari and bibik wiwik belanje our family. they are good hearted people.
- and not forgetting our 2 years anniversary. love arie always.
end of July 2008
August 2008

End of august 2008.
September 2008
October 2008

october is my favourite.
end of October
November 2008

end of november
lastly December 2008

August 2008
- happy birthday singapore.
- and getting crazy with my classmates.
- i begin to love my class advisor. haha.

End of august 2008.
September 2008
- i gone missing. haha. i don't update my blog for this month.
- busy with 5 or 6 projects.
- and yea, it was the month of PUASA FOR THE MUSLIM.
October 2008
- hari raya with darling 4t1

- hary raya with darling jc0801L

- and my seventeen birthday.
- AND mohd khoif tufail is back.he is now a healthy boy. we love him so much.
october is my favourite.
end of October
November 2008
- had our first JC0801L PIT.
end of november
lastly December 2008
- aqil's birthday
- selamat hari raya haji
- started working at jurong island intertek pte Ltd.
- for the first one week, we met and go eat together every day.
- and a new member of our family were born.
yes, it is a boy. his name is, Aatif Fadzli. so cute.

and arie bought for me this ring. i'm loving it.

tak boleh nmpak. haha.

welcome 2009
so i think thats it.
this is how i spent my life in 2008.
it feels so fast, and yea, some of my classmate do not selected to go to early attachment so we are not going to be in the same class anymore. and it is really sad u know. we just getting alone and here we are seperated.
why every happy beginning must come to the end?
haizz.. oh well. i hope 2009 is a great year for me.
and i will always miss my JC0801L.
- and yea, first time watch sunset with ashari. but he didn't care. haha. and yea, first time i heard him laugh. not that i never heard him laugh before but this time like very special. where we were lost at vivo and he laughed like very cute with his happy face and he like holding my hand to go to the right path. like special. hahahaha. i miss him already.
and arie bought for me this ring. i'm loving it.
tak boleh nmpak. haha.
- go picnic with some of darling 4t1. miss them so much.
- and i spent my last second on 2008 is eating macdonald. hahaha.
welcome 2009
so i think thats it.
this is how i spent my life in 2008.
it feels so fast, and yea, some of my classmate do not selected to go to early attachment so we are not going to be in the same class anymore. and it is really sad u know. we just getting alone and here we are seperated.
why every happy beginning must come to the end?
haizz.. oh well. i hope 2009 is a great year for me.
and i will always miss my JC0801L.
so this is for u, ashari.
i will always love u.
i will always love u.
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