WUHOOO!!! Friday is here today. i'm loving it. and i have Saturday and Sunday to rest and spent time with my families and ashari..
job was so tiring. left 18 more weeks/ 90 more days to go and i'm back to school. i feel like a bimbo/dumb working there. haizzz. watching people calibrate the oil. run the machine. i felt so jealous. haha. i want to do that. have to study hard syazana.
missing ashari is getting larger. i want to meet him. please sayang.
yea, i miss school alot. really. especially secondary school life. u just study for exam and u can have fun. even when u study, u can chat with yr friends, u can sleep. i miss that moment. and sometimes u fight, u bully with the teachers and u can joke around with the kental teacher. haha. happy moment.
so someone out there who one to quit school, especially quitting during secondary school years. please don't. i know someone out there want to quit school because u want to work. well, again please don't. u study just for about 20years and it is for your own good. but u have to work until u die. and if u want to improve yr skill, u can take course about 4years and that it, it will stick to u until u die. and u can have better working life.
okey2, if someone out there disapproved my 'ceramah' about quitting school. i'm sorry. it's just my opinion. and yes, here i go again being a makcik. ok2, i stop here.
aiming for my life
- learn as much method to do at work. so that my suction head give good grades/report to me.
- being super friendly at work place or any places. so that i'm not invisible. haha. and i can communicate well.
- spend so much time with my family.
- must spend time with my favourite nyai in the world and cousins.
- spend time with darling 4t1 girlfriends.
- spend time with darling jc0801L.
- and of course sayang, i don't forget u. i will try to spend so much time with u.
- study very hard for my future.
- try to make it to polytechnic and get a diploma. INSYALLAH. i really want it.
- take good care of my health. (must go exercise and eat right)
- have a brighter smile.
- improve my english.
- have sexy legs. hahahaha. (not nessesary)
- have CONFIDENT in myself ( compalsary)
- and like ashari always scold me asked me to have a positive mind set. haha. i try syg
- help my family with finance problem.
- and must have a good rest and have fun.
- and lastly, stop eating ice cubes. (very compalsary)
- and very last thing. never forget about ugama. my mom always say, god can just take your life, and every thing u earn in life will never help u afterlife, just your 'goodness' and 'sinful' will help u afterlife.
what i want to do with what i earn for my life.
- GO SHOPPING ( a must)
- buy tons of clothes
- buy lots of skirts and dresses.
- and i want HIGH-HEELS shoes.
- MAKE UP and facial wash.
- treat my siblings.
- save money to go vacations with my family. insyallah.
- computer
- camera
- whitener for my tooth. haha.
- go dentist.
- take my mom to a spa. wow.
- belanja my parent to go to hajj. insyallah.
- and yea, i almost forget this. i want to buy present for my cousin and family went their bday reach.
- and insyallah i will buy present for my girlfriends too. haha.
i think thats it. i know there much much more. but this is what i can think right now.

can i be shiok sendiri sekejab? haha
this is what happened went ashari never reply my messages.
being super boring.
taking stupid faces of yrself really can make u laugh.
i know someone will get irritated seeing my faces. haha. i'm sorry for the disturbance.

can i be shiok sendiri sekejab? haha
this is what happened went ashari never reply my messages.
being super boring.
taking stupid faces of yrself really can make u laugh.
i know someone will get irritated seeing my faces. haha. i'm sorry for the disturbance.
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