i haven't update my log book for the past 12weeks. mampos aku
hahaha. well. i think i will start tomorrow.
today at work. nothing much to do. just left one f**king viscosity that ended up i have to REDO next monday. whatever.
so i asked mark if i can help him anything.
he told me to wait. and he go and asked my supervisor. and my supervisor asked me to follow him to the store room.
and yea. he said.
he: yesterday, u arranged the file into months. thats very sweet of u.
he: now, i want u put the old files/documents into boxes.
he: previous attachment students arranged the files on the selves. but i forgot to tell them to put inside the boxes.
so, he was waiting for another attachment student and thats was me to clear the store room. haiyo.
and he left me alone in the room. he said. u can close the door or open it. its up to u. the room is all yours. i want to close the door. but the room is quite scary. so i just opened the door and listen to my music. hehe
i have to clear all the files. i clear all at the bottom.
year semue sebarang aje dieorg letak. i have to arranged them again.
and yes. on wednesday. go shopping with my darling ayang.
we go vivo city. i want that puma beg. i search at tampines but don't have.
i want beg pack. but mostly all the shop sell sling beg, and hand beg. whatever lah.
so go to vivo city and i saw the beg i wanted. but the colour are so ugly. then ashari asked the sales girls.
arie: do u have any colour?
the girl: nope.
me: alah. okey u wait here.
and i looked at the beg from far if the beg colour is okey. but still its look ugly.
i come back, and i saw arie holding a black colour beg. and i like. yes arh got other colour.
the colour are very cool. black and orange.
i asked the sales girl how much.
and the costs is very expensive. and she said it was the last one.
me: last one???!!! okey i buy it.
arie: (wispered to me) u, give me your atm card.
me: WHY?!!
arie: because the sales girl asked me, am i buying for u? and i said yes.
me: hahahahaha. bagus. yelah. go and pay.
haiyoo. nie lah matair aku. haha.
and yea. one of my friends, jason.
jason: why u bring turtle to work?
me: idiot u!!! what turtle?!!
me to shikkin: aku beli mahal2 dier panggil beg aku turtle.
and some of them start to call my beg turtle. it is a puma not a turtle. haiyo. hahaha. but i don't mind.
and today. i go shopping again. with ashari again. hehe.
i brought charles and keith shoe. omg. i'm loving it. 30% off. mane tak best kan.
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