we have 6 more weeks until our attachment end. see how fast time flies. i still remember that i still had 20 more weeks to go but now i have, 6 MORE WEEKS TO GO. i'm loving it. can't wait to go back to school.
but i really loves my department. they very nice people.
last monday, my supervisor is so so sweet lah. i was at the admin place wanted to take something.
and he came in. he saw me with a relieve face.
susin: haizzz. i searched for u all over the company and u are here. haizz. so tired.
awwww. so sweet. he just wanted to say something not that urgent messages and he searched for me all over the company. sweet kan.
susin: u brought yr lunch is it?
me: yes. why?
susin. ohh. i thought want to bring u along we go eat lunch together with the rest.
another "awwwww".
susin: nevermind. it's okey. tomorrow or the day after tomorrow okey.
me: (with a wide smile.) OKEY! thanks
but the next day i didn't go eat lunch with them. because it was zi chin last day. so it was the last time we want to eat lunch together.
he was super sweet lah. he brought for us crackers, cookies and lots of them. still inside the cupboard and chocolate. so lunch after eating our meal. as usual we went to our lepak place and eat all the snacks.

dilla on the left. me and ash.
ash is very very great friend to be with.
she laugh at most things. we laugh alot.
zi chin called us.
"heart attack laugh" for ash because she laugh super loud.
"asthma attach laugh" for me because i laugh super silent. haha.
i never come with a stranger and get along so well.
ash is my very first.

and i will miss zi chin very very much. he was the one always make all of us laugh since chi wen and aien leave. and did i mention khalis and hakim are back. they finished their exam and came back. ash and i was so happy. haha. but when that "BOD" guy come i am much much happy. only ash and i know. hahaha.
i went lunch with my department. 6 people in the car. 2people infront and 4 people a the back.
i was cramp at the middle.
at the back, susin, xiou dan(XD), me and mark
at the front. mohd and the driver, prakash.
susin: nurul, are u comfortable?
me: very.
XD: really?! haha.
inside the car there was 3 singaporean and 3 malaysian. and we keep debate about our politics and government. haha.
gi mkn at some place. best. puas hati arh.
lunch time maximum is 1hour.
but we spent 2hours. melampau. and we come some excuses why we are late.
luckilly no one asked.
oh yea! last last saturday. when bowling with my super super darling classmate 4t1.. miss them so so much. they are the greatest friends i ever had.
had so much fun together. next outing is karaoke i think. so we will see.

and yea last tuesday, it's dilla and sheila turns who leaving us. why?????!!!!!. at least wait for us to leave too. now, left ash, shou yi, hakim, khalis, sherling, chen ai, eugene and wan. aiyooo.. makin mendak lah tmpat lepk kiter kan.
and yea. KHALIS called me SEMUT. WHAT THE HELL. now hakim and ash dh ikut2. HAKIM DH START PANGGIL KU 'MUT'(short cut for 'semut')
for e.g: hakim today shouted from far.
hakim: EH! MUT!
me: mut? biadap. ape kau nk?
hakim: aku nk gule2.
and yea, why they call me"semut".
it is because,
mcm2 lah dieorg panngil aku.
but it is okey. like 'semut' is very rare that people used it. haha.
and yea, next week i have to take over time everyday. mampos jugak aku nie.
i went lunch with my department. 6 people in the car. 2people infront and 4 people a the back.
i was cramp at the middle.
at the back, susin, xiou dan(XD), me and mark
at the front. mohd and the driver, prakash.
susin: nurul, are u comfortable?
me: very.
XD: really?! haha.
inside the car there was 3 singaporean and 3 malaysian. and we keep debate about our politics and government. haha.
gi mkn at some place. best. puas hati arh.
lunch time maximum is 1hour.
but we spent 2hours. melampau. and we come some excuses why we are late.
luckilly no one asked.
oh yea! last last saturday. when bowling with my super super darling classmate 4t1.. miss them so so much. they are the greatest friends i ever had.
had so much fun together. next outing is karaoke i think. so we will see.

and yea last tuesday, it's dilla and sheila turns who leaving us. why?????!!!!!. at least wait for us to leave too. now, left ash, shou yi, hakim, khalis, sherling, chen ai, eugene and wan. aiyooo.. makin mendak lah tmpat lepk kiter kan.
and yea. KHALIS called me SEMUT. WHAT THE HELL. now hakim and ash dh ikut2. HAKIM DH START PANGGIL KU 'MUT'(short cut for 'semut')
for e.g: hakim today shouted from far.
hakim: EH! MUT!
me: mut? biadap. ape kau nk?
hakim: aku nk gule2.
and yea, why they call me"semut".
it is because,
- my safety goggle is so big for me.
- i am so in love with candy. and they know it.
- and i'm small.
mcm2 lah dieorg panngil aku.
but it is okey. like 'semut' is very rare that people used it. haha.
and yea, next week i have to take over time everyday. mampos jugak aku nie.
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